What to do if you have an EMERGENCY

  • Always remain calm and try not to panic.
  • Dial 911
  • Say, "This is an emergency. I need an ambulance because ..."
  • Give the location, age and symptom of the patient. Also include your own name and  number.
  • If the patient is injured, DO NOT MOVE them unless they are in immediate danger of further injury.
  • Follow the instructions of the dispatcher and do not hang up.
  • If the person is feeling ill, and is not injured or unconscious, if possible have him or her rest in a position of comfort, in a room near an accessible entrance and preferrably on the same floor level as the entrance. If possible, remove any layered or constrictive clothing such as a sweater or jacket.
  • Stay with the patient until EMS arrives.

Before We Arrive

  • Even during the day, turn on an outside porch light to increase the visibility and to aid the rescuers in locating the incident.
  • If possible, send someone to the front lawn with a flashlight to signal the ambulance driver.
  • Clear a path inside your home. Move all furniture or TV's out of the way, if possible.
  • Place dogs or cats in a separate room and close the door.
  • Gather all medication the patient has been prescribed.
  • Do not give the patient anything to eat or drink.
  • Keep talking to the patient

Display Your Street Address Clearly

If you call for help, we need to find your house easily. Please help us by making sure your house number is easily seen from the street and visible at night. We can't help you if we can't find you!

Plan for an EMERGENCY

Record family medical information on a card and keep it close to the telephone in case of an emergency

This should include:

  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Drug Allergies
  • Current Medications (Perscribed, Over the Counter)
  • Physician or Peditrition's Name and Phone Number


If you are alone we also recommend the following:

  • ID Jewlery

After the Ambulance Arrives

If a family member, friend or co-worker is driving their own car to the hospital, they should leave as soon as they are ready and not wait for the ambulance crew to finish getting the patient ready and leaving the scene themselves. Drive normally, following all traffic rules, and meet the patient at the hospital. You may even get there first as the ambulance crew will be taking care of the patient on the way to the hospital. Do NOT follow the ambulance or any other emergency vehicles.

ICE Program: For Cell Phones

The idea is that you store the word "I C E", followed by an individual's first name and phone number, of the person you want contacted "In Case of Emergency" into the Address Book of your cellular phone.

In an emergency situation, first responders and hospital staff may quickly search your cell phone and find out who your next of kin are and be able to contact them.

It's so simple that everyone can do it!

  • By entering the acronym ICE - For "In Case of Emergency" - into your mobile's phone book, users can log the name and number of someone who should be contacted in an emergency. The idea follows research that shows more than 75 percent of people carry no details of who they would like telephoned following a serious accident.
  • The wide spread success of this campaign largely depends on mobile phone users adopting the ICE tactic.

Example: ICE Jane 555-555-5555

You should add multiple listings!

Willingboro Emergency Squad Members are aware of what the acronym ICE actually stands for and will be able to use this information to assist you in case of an emergency. As well as adding In Case of Emergency details to your mobile phone book as described, the Willingboro Emergency Squad feels it is wise for people to include a hard copy of these details in their purse or wallet, perhaps in the form of a clearly labeled contact card. Also on this card you should include any medical problems, allergies, current medications and your doctor's phone number.